The Incomparable Beauty: The Rarest Flowers On The Globe | Los Angeles Florist - Pink Clover

The Incomparable Beauty: The Rarest Flowers On The Globe

Black Tulips
The Black Tulip is a historical novel written by talented Alexandre Dumas. Although the main theme of the work in historical events in the Netherlands in the 17th century, the majority of readers remember only the mysterious black tulip. Nowadays it’s hard to surprise someone with black or even blue buds. Yet, there are so many extraordinary florets on the globe that you can’t even imagine. Let’s get acquainted with the most astonishing ones.
black tulips

Kadupul Flower
This plant can be found in wild forests of Sri Lanka. A lot of curious tourists have tried to find this mysterious flower. It has a large white bud and fascinating aroma. However, only a few of them have succeeded. The thing is it has the mid night blooming nature. Only the real adventurers are able to do so desperate adventure. Kadupul costs a real fortune because of its short lifespan.
Kadupul Flower

Actually, it’s a tree which blooming attracts thousands of tourists every year. It is the rarest representative of the hibiscus family. The most valuable ones are the namely white florets. You can find them only in a few valleys of the Moloka’i island.

Corpse Flower or Titan Arum
This amazing flower can reach up to 12 feet. The botanists search for it in Indonesian rainforests. However, its height isn’t the most distinctive feature of the plant. The zest of the flower is its unparalleled aroma. It smells like rotten meat.
Corpse Flower or Titan Arum

You shouldn’t climb the highest mountains or walk through the jungle in order to find this awesome purple flower. Only several decades ago, you could find the floret in Gibraltar. Nowadays it doesn’t grow in the wild nature. To enjoy the superb beauty of the vine, you should visit the Royal Botanic Gardens in London and in the Alameda Gibraltar Botanic Gardens.

Fire Lily
Millions of people fall in love with exclusive odor and inimitable appearance of this plant. However, only a few are brave enough to pick it. The thing is that the floweret is poisonous. By the way, it is the national flower of Zimbabwe.
fire lily

Juliet Rose
When it comes to flowers, we cannot but mention roses. Juliet Rose is one of the rarest and most expensive vines. It has an unusual shape of petals and adorably tender color. The brides all over the world want to get this flower in their wedding bouquet.
Juliet rose
In conclusion, it should be highlighted that the Earth is still full of secrets and fascinating creatures of nature. Most of them you have probably never seen. It’s up to you not to lose the distinct possibility of discovering the beauty of our globe. It’s worth traveling and enjoying the blossom of the rarest flowers.

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